Symptoms of an Inflamed Liver: Liver is among the essential part of the body. If the liver is not functioning properly, the overall activity of the body has an impact. Well, the present generation is more prone to liver disease, and most of them are suffering from liver enlargement or liver inflammation conditions. Well, if you are someone who is having a doubt, do check out the symptoms of it and notice the changes in your body as well.
But before that, do know, it is important to see the doctor if the problem happens. For consultation and treatment, you can visit Dr. Shankar Dhaka in Jaipur. He is one of the best doctors available around with the right treatment for live related problems. Being the best gastroenterologist in Jaipur, he comes up with the best treatments always.
Now let’s discuss the common symptoms in link to the inflamed liver!
9 Symptoms of an Inflamed Liver:
In this section, we will explore these symptoms in detail and about the change that will happen:-
1. Feelings of fatigue:
Tiredness, lack of energy, fatigue, mood swings and irritability. These symptoms are a result of the liver’s inability to produce enough neurotransmitters. The liver is responsible for the production of serotonin and dopamine – neurotransmitters that are crucial for our mood. This can be due to stress, medications or even alcohol abuse.
2. Jaundice:
Jaundice is a common condition in which the body’s yellow coloration is caused by the accumulation of bilirubin, a pigment that forms when bile is broken down by bacteria. It is a symptom of an inflamed liver. It can also be caused by various diseases and conditions like hepatitis, cirrhosis, or cancer.
3. Feeling full quickly after a meal:
There is a difference between the way we feel after eating and how we feel after working out. The liver is responsible for the digestion of food, so it is important that it keeps up with the metabolism of our bodies. If your liver becomes inflamed, you will feel full quickly because you won’t be able to digest your food.
This can lead to weight gain and other health problems. The liver is an organ responsible for filtering and storing the food we eat, so it needs to be able to process all the nutrients in foods.
4. Nausea:
One of the most common symptoms of liver problems is nausea. This can happen by a number of different things, including inflammation of the liver, viral and bacterial infections, food poisoning and even anaemia.
The most common treatment for nausea is to drink plenty of water (1-2 litres a day) and try to vomit the contents of your stomach. However, vomiting may not be enough. After some time, you will feel better if you start eating more slowly or if you take a small amount of medication to help with digestion.
The liver is an important organ that plays a vital role in the body. It keeps the blood flowing smoothly and also acts as a filter to remove toxins from the blood. When this organ becomes inflamed, it can cause nausea and other symptoms too.
5. Vomiting:
Vomiting is a symptom of an inflamed liver. It is a symptom of liver disorders like cirrhosis and hepatitis. The symptoms are often mistaken for the disease itself, and hence it can be difficult to diagnose. It’s important to note that there isn’t any specific treatment for this condition, so if you are experiencing symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.
6. Pain in the abdomen:
This is the most common symptom of liver inflammation. It affects millions of people worldwide, and it is caused by a variety of diseases. While there is no exact cure for the pain in the abdomen, it can be treated. The liver is one of the most sensitive organs in the human body. If it becomes inflamed, it can cause pain and sometimes even death. This condition is cirrhosis of the liver.
7. Dark-colored urine and light-colored stools:
When a person is suffering from liver disease, the urine may turn dark-colored and the stool light-colored. This is a symptom of inflammation of the liver. The symptoms are due to excess production of erythropoietin (EPO) in the blood.
8. Itchy skin (pruritis):
The cause of itchy skin and pruritis is inflammation of the liver. These are sometimes called “pruritic” or “itchy” livers. In some cases, the liver can become inflamed due to other reasons such as hepatitis or cancer. If you have this problem, you should see your doctor for an examination and treatment plan to prevent complications from developing into disease or death. This condition often requires medication to help relieve itching and pain from the condition.
9. Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly):
The splenomegaly is a symptom of an inflamed liver. It is not a disease but rather a sign of liver inflammation. It can also be due to an infection or other disease that affects the liver. Majorly, it can happen due to viral hepatitis, hepatitis B or C infection, and drug abuse.
Following are the symptoms of inflamed liver. It is important for people to reach out to the doctor as soon as possible because if they keep on avoiding it, they will start shedding eight, and the chances of occurrence of other problems will also increase.
FAQ: 9 Symptoms of an Inflamed Liver
Q. 1 Can liver inflammation be treated?
Ans: If a patient approaches the doctor after the formation of scar tissue the liver has the ability to mend and even renew itself. As a result, the damage due to liver disease can often be reversed with a well-managed treatment regimen. Many persons with liver disease may not seem or feel unwell, despite the fact that their liver is being damaged.
Q. 2 How do you treat liver inflammation?
- Consuming plenty of fluids
- Getting some rest
- Stop drinking alcohol.
- Reducing the use of drugs that may harm the liver, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Stop using aspirin and other drugs that raise your risk of bleeding.
Q. 3 What might trigger liver inflammation?
Ans: Infections from parasites and viruses can infect the liver, producing inflammation and reducing liver function. The viruses that cause liver disease can be transmitted by blood or contaminated food or water, or intimate contact with an affected person.
Q. 4 What is the most prevalent reason for a swollen liver?
Ans: A swollen liver is one that is larger than normal. Hepatomegaly is the medical word for this condition. An enlarged liver is a symptom of an underlying condition, such as liver disease, congestive heart failure, or cancer, rather than a disease. Treatment entails identifying and managing the underlying cause of the disease.
Q. 5 What does stool look like in people who have liver problems?
Ans: If your liver does not produce bile regularly or if the flow from the liver is not regular, your excrement will be pale, like clay. Pale poop is in link with yellow skin (jaundice). The additional bilirubin that causes your skin to seem yellow might also cause your pee to be particularly dark.
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