Variceal Bleeding Treatment in Jaipur

In esophageal varices, the veins that are larger than normal are called. The esophagus connects the throat and stomach. Such a situation occurs when there is a problem related to the liver. Actually, due to liver related problems, blood does not reach the liver. looking for the variceal bleeding treatment in Jaipur, Book an appointment with Dr. Shankar Dhaka.
In this condition, the blood does not reach the liver and spreads to the surrounding veins. According to health experts, this condition can also be fatal. It is not that there is no cure for esophageal varices. The condition of esophageal varices can be avoided by staying in touch with health experts.
What are the symptoms of Esophageal Varices?
According to research, the symptoms of esophageal varices are not easily understood, unless there is bleeding. Therefore, the symptoms of esophageal varices can be as follows. like-
- Bleeding during vomiting. Due to esophageal varices, more blood comes during vomiting
- Change in the color of the stool, such as black or bloody stools
- Mild headache
- Loss of understanding
- Stomach ache
Along with these symptoms, the following symptoms should also be understood. like-
- Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice-like condition)
- Bleeding even with a minor injury
- Buildup of fluid in the stomach (ascites)
- Low blood pressure due to bleeding (low blood pressure)
If you understand the above symptoms, one should contact the gastro doctor as soon as possible.
What Causes Esophageal Varices?
Every small and big part present in the body works in a special way, due to which a person is able to remain active and healthy, but if any part of the body does not work properly, then in such a situation there will be physical problems. get started. The problem of esophageal varices is also similar. Actually, when the veins connecting the throat and stomach become larger than normal, then in such a situation, the person has trouble in case the blood flow is normal. The problem of esophageal varices is more in people who have any problems related to the liver.
Who is at higher risk of Esophageal Varices?
It should always be kept in mind that not all patients with esophageal varices have bleeding problems. However, if there is some special physical problem, the problem of bleeding can start. These problems include-
High blood pressure- The chances of bleeding increase in the case of high blood pressure. Therefore, people suffering from high blood pressure should pay special attention to their diet, so that their blood pressure remains under control and they avoid esophageal varices as well as other diseases.
Large Varices – The risk of bleeding increases greatly in the case of having a large varicose.
Serious problems related to the liver- If any person has a problem related to the liver, then there can be a problem of esophageal varices.
Consumption of alcohol- If a patient or person consumes more alcohol, then there may be a problem of bleeding even in such a situation.
Along with these diseases, the problem of bleeding has increased even after having the following physical problems. like-
- Portal hypertension
- Cirrhosis problem
- Vomiting a lot
- Constipation problem
- Excessive cough problems
In case of these above mentioned physical problems, one should contact the doctor and follow the instructions given by the doctor.
How are esophageal varices diagnosed?
Doctors recommend the following tests to diagnose esophageal varices. These tests include:
Image tests such as CT and MRI: This checkup can provide information about different organs of the liver and abdomen. Not only this, it also becomes easy to explain the blood flow with this checkup.
Endoscopy: Experts associated with endoscopy take information about the condition of the disease during the checkup with the help of a small camera from the mouth. This can give information about bleeding.
Blood test: With the help of blood test, information about blood cell count, liver and kidney function is given.
Along with these above mentioned health checkups, the doctor may recommend other tests if needed.
Variceal Bleeding Treatment in Jaipur
Esophageal varices are treated in the following way. like-
Beta blockers: Health experts will prescribe beta blockers like propranolol. The drug propranolol is helpful in controlling blood pressure. The problem of bleeding can be reduced if the blood pressure in the body is controlled.
Transjugular interfacial portosystemic shunt (TIPS): With the help of TIPS, new blood vessels are connected between two blood vessels. By doing this, it helps in reducing the pressure of blood reaching the vein, which can save the patient from the problem of bleeding.
Endoscopy variceal ligation: With the help of health experts endoscopy variceal ligation, the swollen veins are tied with an elastic band. By doing this the problem of bleeding gets cured. This band is fired after a few days.
Endoscopy sclerotherapy: Endoscopic sclerotherapy allows doctors to give injections into the veins, which reduce swelling.
Along with the above-mentioned treatment, treatment is also done according to the need and condition of the patient. It should also be kept in mind by the patient as well as the family members that if the treatment is not done properly or the instructions given by the doctor are not followed properly, then there may be a problem of bleeding again.
Therefore, the suggestion given by the doctor should be followed properly. By doing this the problem can be fixed as soon as possible.
So Looking for the Variceal Bleeding Treatment in Jaipur, must book an appointment with Dr. Shankar Dhaka who is one of the best Gastro doctors in Jaipur provides best gastro related disease treatment with a hundred percent success rate.
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