What is Peptic Ulcer: In the medical language, ulcer or peptic ulcer is a sore or ulcer in the stomach. The thick fluid in the stomach is a smooth layer of mucus, which protects the inner lining of the stomach from hydrochloric acid. The specialty of this acid is that where this acid is necessary for the digestion process. At the same time, it also damages the tissues of the body. There is a synergy between this acid and the mucus layers. Blisters occur in the stomach only when this balance is disturbed. Usually these alimentary tubes are in the upper part of the stomach and small intestine.
Stomach ulcers, also commonly called gastric ulcers, are painful ulcers and sores on the lining of the stomach. Peptic ulcer is a disease that affects the large and small intestines.
It is easy to get rid of this disease, but in many cases, if not treated properly, the condition can become more serious.
How common is this disease?
Ulcer disease is one of the most common diseases. This disease can affect patients at any age. The things that are likely to cause this disease can be prevented by controlling them. Talk to your doctor or therapist for more information.
What are the symptoms of stomach ulcer?

A person may experience a variety of symptoms when he has a stomach ulcer. It all depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. Usually, a person feels a burning sensation and pain between the abdomen and chest.
This pain is more intense on an empty stomach, which can bother a person for a long time. Peptic ulcer pain lasts from a few minutes to several hours from person to person.
How Do Ulcers Become Bleeding Ulcer?
Common symptoms of stomach ulcer include the following:
- Unexplained abdominal pain
- Unable to eat due to pain
- Having nausea or vomiting
- Bloating (flatulence)
- Heartburn
- Anemic
- Dark stools
- Blood in stool
These types of symptoms can affect the person quite badly. If peptic ulcer is not treated properly, it can also lead to death of a person. However, if a stomach ulcer is tested at the earliest, it can be cured with the help of the right treatment.
Apart from the general symptoms, if you have stomach ulcers, you may also feel like the following condition –
- Feeling uncomfortable 1-2 hours after eating and drinking. (duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer)
- Waking up at night due to abdominal pain.
- Feeling full after eating less.
- Feeling of heaviness in stomach, bloating, burning sensation, mild pain.
- vomiting
- Sudden weight loss.
Some of the symptoms and signs are not given above. If you are concerned about any symptoms in your body, see and talk to your doctor right away. Also keep in mind that small stomach ulcers do not cause any symptoms. But if you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor.
When to go to the doctor?
If you notice any of the above symptoms or signs, consult your doctor immediately. Every body’s composition is different, so every body works in a different way. So always discuss with your gastro doctor and decide what is the best suggestion for your situation.
Tell the doctor about your symptoms as well as the severity of the condition and how long you have been feeling it. Choose your treatment plan with the doctor.
Peptic ulcer can be cured in many ways, for which it is best to consult a doctor.
If you do not go to the doctor on time, you may have the following problems –
- Stomach Cancer
- Ulceration
- Ulceration of the digestive tract
- Swelling of tissues due to blockage in the digestive tract
All these conditions can be fatal in some cases. In such a situation, if it is treated immediately in time, then they can be avoided.
Cause of Peptic Ulcer
When digestive juices damage the walls of the stomach or small intestine, ulcers form. If the mucus layer becomes too thin or your stomach makes too much acid, your intestine will feel it. There are two main reasons for this:
Bacteria – This is called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Most people infected with H. pylori do not get ulcers, but in others, it can increase the amount of acid, break down the protective mucus layer, and irritate the digestive tract. Experts are not sure how H. pylori infection is transmitted. They can pass it from person to person, eg through kiss. It can also happen from waste food and water.
Painkillers – If you are taking aspirin frequently and for a long time, you are more likely to get a peptic ulcer. This is also true from taking other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They include ibuprofen and naproxen. NSAIDs stop your body from making a chemical that helps protect the small walls of your stomach and small intestine from acid. Other types of pain medicine, such as acetaminophen.
Apart from this, there is a possibility of stomach ulcer due to some simple habits of the person –
- Smoking habit
- Addiction to drugs such as alcohol or marijuana
- Consuming a large amount of food that causes burning sensation in the stomach and chest (acid food)
- Always under mental and physical stress
If you are also a victim of these habits, then try to leave them immediately. These habits can make the condition more serious after having a peptic ulcer.
Risk Factor of Peptic Ulcer
Certain habits and factors increase the risk of stomach ulcers. This mainly includes the following factors –
- Regular steroid use
- Smoking
- Excessive calcium production
- Genetic
- Alcohol addiction
Stomach ulcers are more common in people over the age of 50. But it is not that it does not happen in younger people. However, the chances of this disease in children are less. The cause of stomach ulcers in children can be due to their parents’ use of smoke. Therefore, by staying away from the addiction of smoking, you can keep yourself and your children away from diseases.
Diagnosis of Peptic Ulcer
This disease can be diagnosed on the basis of the tests given below –
Diagnosis of a stomach ulcer depends on your condition and symptoms. To test for stomach ulcers, the doctor will review your medical history, the severity of the disease and any medications you are taking.
Your doctor may test your blood, breath, or stool to identify H. pylori. If you have H. pylori, your test results will have higher levels of carbon dioxide.
- Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Series
- Endoscopy
- Barium swallow
- Blood test for pylori bacteria
- Endoscopy biopsy
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